Hailing from Montreal, Canada, Craig has been a lifelong athlete (hockey, skiing, tennis, etc) and outdoor adventurer. Favorite trips so far have included cycling the Pacific Coast, backcountry skiing in Utah, and of course whitewater kayaking (Washington) as well as surfing (California) with First Descents! Craig used to write for the Discovery Channel, but then got an MBA and has been working in marketing ever since. He is currently the Director of Marketing for a company in the Customer Experience Management space. A colo-rectal cancer survivor, Craig is also very active in the young adult cancer space having spoken at conferences, developed a cancer resource website, been published in the Huffington Post, interviewed on public radio, and will be featured in the Colon Club’s upcoming Colondar. Craig is super stoked to be part of the Alumni Advisory Board, and believes First Descents is the absolute bomb!