The Out Living It Festival will be an epic weekend all about celebrating the power of adventure and community. We know you might have some questions so read on below to see our FAQs. Don’t see your question? Email [email protected]!
What is the Out Living It Festival and why are we doing it?
FD is celebrating over 20 years of life-changing Out Living It adventures. The only logical thing to do is host a massive, multi-day adventure festival for our entire community! The Out Living It Festival will be a chance to celebrate the healing power of adventure and community while raising funds for First Descents.
Will this be like other FD programs?
Yes and no! The Out Living It Festival will bring together First Descents alumni as well as supporters, family, friends, and more. Basically, the Festival is open to everyone. We've worked hard to include as much as possible in the Out Living It Festival pass but some activities, meals, gear, and lodging options will be the responsibility of participants. Limited activity spots will be available, and some of these activities will require a $25 additional registration cost. So be sure to register early! Attendees have the option to camp at our designated festival campground or arrange for their own accommodations at a nearby hotel, private house, etc. There will be alcohol available for those who are 21 and up. It's going to have a whole different feel from First Descents programs, but it's going to be just as AWESOME!
Will the Out Living It Festival be ADA accessible?
Similarly to FD programs, we will try to make activities as accessible and adaptive as possible for our community. If you have specific concerns regarding program adaptability, please email [email protected]. Individuals who require specific lodging accommodations are encouraged to make necessary arrangements for themselves. While we'll work to provide options and accommodations for all dietary requests, we cannot give a 100% guarantee so please plan accordingly and bring any necessary items with you. Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns you have.
Are travel scholarships or free tickets available?
No. While we LOVE offering free programming, hosting an epic mountain sport and music festival simply ain't cheap! Although we wish we could provide travel scholarships, it isn't possibly for the 500+ attendees joining us July 16-19! For those attendees who would prefer not to purchase an Out Living It Festival ticket, you may fundraise to cover your ticket cost. Please note that fundraising above $300 cannot be used to cover your travel or lodging so please plan accordingly.
What's the deal with airfare and travel?
Attendees need to book their own airfare and travel. Travel scholarships will not be available for the Out Living It Festival. The Festival grounds are all walkable, and transportation will be provided to the program activities throughout the weekend. If you plan to go on some adventures of your own, please arrange for your own transportation in Buena Vista. It's a small mountain town, so don't plan to rely on Uber or Lyft. For those that are driving or bringing rental cars, parking will be available at the Festival.
What accommodations are available during the Out Living It Festival?
All registrants will have complimentary priority access to tent camping at our festival campground. Camping is free and quiet hours are 10PM-7AM. Attendees are responsible for providing their own tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, etc. The Out Living It Festival will have a room block at the Surf Hotel & Chateau and the town of Buena Vista has many other hotels but book early because summer is a popular travel time! If you wish to stay in a hotel or book a private home, please arrange for your own accommodations.
Can I transfer funds from another Out Living It Project fundraising page or FDX fundraising page to cover the cost of my $300 registration?
No. No previous fundraising can be transferred. All event attendees must create a new fundraising page to cover the cost of their Out Living It Festival experience. All additional funds raised will help provide the healing power of adventure to future First Descents participants!
How do I start fundraising for the Out Living It Festival?
You get a Classy fundraising page! When you register for the Out Living It Festival, your own personal fundraising page will automatically be created! GO BIG! This is a rad opportunity to pay it forward and celebrate 20 years of Out Living It. Raise above $300 and you'll get access to special prizes, giveaways, swag, events, and more!
I need fundraising tips - who do I contact?
We're here to help! Contact [email protected] for all the latest and greatest fundraising tips!
What happens if I don't reach my $300 ticket fundraising goal?
Any festival attendee who does not reach their $300 goal will be asked to cover the outstanding balance of their ticket. You have until April 31st to fundraise or pay for your ticket. If you register and are unable to join, please email [email protected]. Tickets are nonrefundable.
If I purchased a ticket, can I still fundraise?
Yes please! The more you fundraise, the more programs FD can offer to young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions. Plus, go above and beyond to access special prizes, giveaways, show, events, swag, and more!
When can I build my Out Living It Festival schedule and sign up for add-on activities?
Registration for all Out Living It Festival activities will open up in Spring 2022. We'll offer a range of activities throughout the weekend. From mountain biking to panels with engaging speakers, there is something for everyone! Spots are limited so be sure to claim your spot as soon as registration is live!
Why do add-on activities cost $25?
We're stoked to offer a variety of awesome add-on adventure activities! These technical programs require expert instructors, safety equipment, gear, transportation and other costs. Your $25 entry fee will help cover some of the hard costs associated with running these incredible adventure programs.
Can kids attend the Out Living It Festival?
They sure can! Parents must assume primary care of their child at all times throughout the event. All attendees below the age of 18 are considered a Youth Attendee.
I booked a ticket but can no longer attend the Out Living It Festival.
Spots are limited so be sure to contact [email protected] if you are no longer able to attend the Out Living It Festival. Refunds on fundraising and $25 Fundraising Passes will not be given. Refunds for $300 passes will be considered individually on a rolling basis.