
Out Living It Day | Saturday, July 27

Save the date and help us celebrate Out Living It Day on Saturday, July 27! Join a community adventure in your hometown and consider making a small donation to help us raise $25k to fuel adventure for others.



Out Living It Project

Raise funds for First Descents while you get Out Living It!

Out Living It Project individual & team events are where community, creativity, and philanthropy collide!

Get started by creating your own Out Living It Project to raise funds for First Descents or scroll down to check out our feature Team FD event offerings. Over 20% of our funding comes from people just like you stepping up and supporting First Descents through grassroots fundraising! All funds raised through the Out Living It Project directly support FD’s mission of providing outdoor adventures for young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions.

Need some inspiration? Check out the How It Works video!

Want the keys to fundraising success? We’ve got you covered! Check out our OLIP Fundraising Guide!

Have a question or want to sign up for an event?

Contact Reid aka “Spoonman”


Start an Out Living It Project today and add special meaning to your next race, event,
or adventure! The sky's the limit. Whether it's sharing your story, running a marathon,
hosting a yoga event, or committing to an adventure challenge...every dollar you raise
fuels the healing power of adventure.

6,900,000 Raised
38,274 Supporters
2,070 OLI Projects


Sponsor a Weeklong Program

Raise $25,000 and underwrite a First Descents weeklong adventure. Your fundraising efforts will serve 15 young adult participants!

Get Started


Sponsor 4 Participants

When you fundraise $10,000, you're providing life-changing adventures for 4 young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions, healthcare workers, and caregivers.

Get Started


Cover Travel

For young adults experiencing the vast challenges of a life-threatening diagnosis, financial toxicity remains an acute reality. Knowing this, FD works to guarantee equitable access to programming for young adults of all financial positions through travel scholarships. Raise $5,000 and underwrite travel scholarship for an entire program geography.

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Pay it forward

Now that you've been on your First Descents program, pay it forward! Raise $2,500 and send a young adult impacted by cancer or another serious health condition on a life-changing adventure.

Get Started


Dish it out

Healthy food and nutrition is a huge part of the First Descents experience. Raise $500 and cover the cost of food for one FD participant.

Get Started

Join the FD Family at one of our team events below

From Ragnar Trail Snowmass to the Leadville 100 MTB Race, we have an event for everyone.

2024 Ragnar Snowmass Trail Relay

2024 Ragnar Snowmass Trail Relay

2024 Ragnar Snowmass Trail Relay

2024 Leadville Trail 100 MTB

2024 Leadville Trail 100 MTB

2024 Leadville Trail 100 MTB

2024 Leadville Trail 100 Run

2024 Leadville Trail 100 Run

2024 Leadville Trail 100 Run

2024 TCS NYC Marathon

2024 TCS NYC Marathon

2024 TCS NYC Marathon




2024 Race 2 Adventure

2024 Race 2 Adventure

2024 Race 2 Adventure


First Descents: Making a splash in the outdoor industry & healthcare space since 2001. #outlivingit #FDRx

At FD we know that mindfulness is an integral part of the healing process. Today, and every day, we believe that taking a few minutes to stretch, breathe, and practice gratitude can make a big difference. #OutLivingIt #MindfulMoment

Did you know that June 2019 is our most adventure-filled programs season EVER? First Descents is providing life-changing outdoor adventures to more young adults than ever before! Here’s to a record-breaking month of #OutLivingIt adventures with the FD Tribe!

Today 10 First Descents teams will be Out Living It at Ragnar Trail in Snowmass, Colorado! Support the healing power of adventure by donating to FD’s Ragnarians here: https://support.firstdescents.org/campaign/2019-ragnar-trail-snowmass/c215265

Donate to FD


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