

A Ballsy Sense of Tumor

By: Justin Birckbichler

Justin Birckbichler is a men’s health advocate, testicular cancer survivor, and the founder of aBallsySenseofTumor.com. In November 2016, he was diagnosed with stage II testicular cancer at the age of 25. Throughout his diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, and being cleared in remission in March 2017, he has been passionate about sharing his story to spread awareness about testicular cancer, promote open conversations about men’s health, and talk about the unspoken realities of being a cancer survivor.

In honor of Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, we sat down with the uniballer, Justin, to hear how he is cracking the nut on Testicular Cancer Awareness and Men’s Health through humor.

FD: What does the term ‘out living it’ mean to you?

Justin: It means going balls to the walls (or ball to the wall, in my case) and making the best out of every day I’ve been blessed with in this second chance at life. 

FD: What has been the biggest challenge for you being diagnosed with cancer as a young adult male? Was there a silver lining?

Justin: My biggest challenge has been dealing with the emotional fallout of cancer. I’ve found that survivorship is significantly harder than dealing with active treatment. After months of grappling with processing what had happened in such an abrupt timeframe, I finally admitted to my doctor that I was experiencing depression and asked for antidepressants. Along with the meds, therapy, and a host of other mental health supports, I’ve gotten myself to a better place and am much more vigilant about taking care of my mental health.

Getting cancer in and of itself was a blessing in disguise. Before cancer, I was like a dog chasing a ball, although little did I know I was about to lose one. I buried myself in random projects, instead of finding what was meaningful to me. I’m making better use of my time now. I don’t have a perfect balance, but I’m making sure I enjoy the life I do have. I was always a very determined person and became even more so throughout treatment. I’ve realized I’ve essentially been given a second chance at life and I want to live it to the fullest.

FD: Talking about men’s health is often shown as a sign of weakness. Did this stigma impact you before being diagnosed as a young adult? 

Justin: Growing up, a common phrase I heard was “big boys don’t cry.” I didn’t want to share how I was feeling, whether that was emotionally or physically. While I didn’t delay for too long after finding a lump on my testicle in October 2016, it definitely was on my mind before I realized I had to just sack up and make a call.

FD: Give us some background on the origins of “A Ballsy Sense of Tumor.” What are your hopes and dreams for A Ballsy Sense of Tumor? How do you hope to make an impact in the men’s health crusade?

Justin: When I was first diagnosed, I found myself taking to the internet to find answers about what it was going to be like to go through chemo as a 20-something. I couldn’t find a patient-friendly resource that detailed the entire journey (from discovery to the struggles of survivorship) and was written from a twenty-something’s perspective. Since it didn’t exist, I decided to create it through my blog, A Ballsy Sense of Tumor. One of my goals is for ABSOT to help others who have been diagnosed with testicular cancer to find the resource I wish I had when I first started. I’m hoping to fill that void and am happy when I hear others have found it helpful.

While that’s one of the missions of ABSOT, the main goal is to open up lines of dialogue about testicular cancer and men’s health in general. Testicular cancer is not talked about enough in society. My hopes are that sharing my story from beginning to end with an open attitude will stimulate more open discussion and bring a larger focus to men’s health in general. Knowing someone who is going through cancer can help make it more real to men who might not otherwise be concerned about their own health.

FD: When did you first stumble across First Descents? What drew you into the organization?

Justin: Actually, First Descents stumbled upon me first. After I started sharing my story, Crash reached out and told me more about the organization. I instantly fell in love with the idea of outdoor adventures with others who truly “get it” and the healing that can come from it.

FD: Describe your experience on your First Descents Program. What was it about the trip that made you leave wanting more?

Justin: My first First Descents Trib trip (what a tongue twister) was kayaking on the Potomac River in 2018. It was a great time… right up until the thunderstorm started while we were on the water. However, as any cancer survivor knows, pivoting on plans is just part of the experience. We paddled back and hung out at an outdoor restaurant for the evening, and that’s what solidified my desire to go on a longer trip. The camaraderie from people I had literally met just hours earlier was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and I wanted to know what a week with these people would be like.

FD: Why did you decide to apply for a First Descents program? And why do you want to get out on a program?

Justin: Fun fact, this is actually the third First Descents program I applied for and was chosen for – thanks COVID! However, I’ve always wanted to learn to surf, so it just goes to show that everything happens for a reason. Like I said about the Trib program, I wanted to get the full experience. If a few hours was any indication, a week will be incredible.

FD: If you could sum up your excitement for your upcoming Santa Cruz surfing program in one word what would it be? And why?

Justin: Life-changing (hyphenated still means it’s technically one word). I’ve heard from many other who have been on Programs and how much it impacts them.

FD: Given that April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, if there was one piece of advice or support you could offer to other young adults going through a similar diagnosis, what would you tell them?

Justin: Carpe Scrotiem! Don’t be afraid to check yourself and talk about your ‘boys’ with your boys!

On a serious note, men need to start by talking openly about their health. I want to live in a world where we can freely talk about testicular self-exams. I want conversation to be open about all health issues, but I’m especially passionate about men’s health. Not talking about it can be a potentially life-threatening mistake. Keeping each other accountable for performing regular self-checks is also critical. Without honest conversations, this accountability is impossible.

I want to be a catalyst to start talking about testicles in everyday conversation. I want men thinking of me and checking themselves (hopefully not at the same time, but whatever works).


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