Marc Slatkoff developed his love of rivers while in medical school in the early 1970’s, first as a canoeist and then a whitewater kayaker. Over the subsequent fifty plus years kayaking and other outdoor activities have taken him to some of the most beautiful places on earth.
As an oncologist he developed an early interest in quality of life issues and participated in and helped develop support programs for patients and their loved ones, starting in the 1980’s. Upon learning about the impending launch of First Descents he attended the inaugural camp in 2001 and subsequently was asked to join the board. Serving as medical director of FD from 2001 till May of 2009 and participating in many camps, usually with his wife Carel, were joyful and meaningful experiences that he considers many of the best in life. He has long held that FD is as successful a patient support program as any he’s had the pleasure to serve. He strongly believes in the value of adventure therapy and is happy to continue to support the FD family.