
Out Living It Day | Saturday, July 27

Save the date and help us celebrate Out Living It Day on Saturday, July 27! Join a community adventure in your hometown and consider making a small donation to help us raise $25k to fuel adventure for others.



FDTribs Austin – Trapeze

On June On June 26, 2015, six totally stoked young adult cancer survivors and one amazing rock came together for their second quarterly First Descents Austin Tributary event. And it was a doozy! Aside from the seasoned Stretchy, who had been out living it with Trapeze Austin a few times before, we were all new to trapeze. Despite a safety net, tight harness, and awesome instructors, you could say that we were all a bit nervous our first time up the ladder.  But, overcoming stomach flutters, challenging yourself, and seeking an adrenaline rush are a major part of the FD experience, am I right? So onward and upward we went, for two hours, everyone making small improvements with each turn at the trapeze.  Some of us managed to fully finish our tricks, getting knees hooked on the bar, reaching out to our instructor on a swing, clasping hands, and taking off for a bit of flight.  Topped off with a little backflip, of course. It was a beautiful day in the Texas Hill Country. We had a great time and many thanks to FD and its numerous supporters, who make all this possible.  We are looking ahead to our third and fourth events of 2015 and hope to see more of our Texas brothers and sisters later this year!


FDtribs Austin Q2: Windsurfing on Mustang Island Recap

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FDtribs Austin – Bike Tour

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