
Out Living It Day | Saturday, July 27

Save the date and help us celebrate Out Living It Day on Saturday, July 27! Join a community adventure in your hometown and consider making a small donation to help us raise $25k to fuel adventure for others.



FDtribs Austin Q2: Windsurfing on Mustang Island Recap

First Descents hosted 13 participants, and 2 Genentech volunteers on Mustang Island near Corpus Christi, TX. We started the day with smoothies, quiche, and a cup of coffee on our front porch overlooking the ocean. A quick pit-stop at a beautiful beach along the National Seashore left us eager to get in the water and try our hand at windsurfing. Perfect weather on Saturday- sunny with slight breeze- set the stage for everyone to stand up and sail! Our spirits remained high throughout the day, and everyone was stoked on their new learned sport- so much so, we had to convince everyone to get out of the water at the end of the day! Back at the house, participants could pick their late afternoon activity. Many of us decided eating watermelon on the beach would serve us best. After dinner, we had a “campfire” made out of glow stick lanterns on the beach. We spoke of our struggles, triumphs and moments of personal clarity. It was another wonderful weekend connecting with the FD family!

FDtribs Austin Q2: Windsurfing on Mustang Island Recap

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FDtribs Austin – Bike Tour

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